Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don't Vote!

It seems every other blog is urging you to vote today. So in keeping with my outlaw persona I'm telling you to do the opposite. Why vote, anyways? So you can be lumped in with those Hollywood homosexuals? Real Americans march to the beat of their own drum. So don't vote simply because the media elite tell you to, instead do what I tell you to and abstain. How can we expect our kids to if we won't?


Michael DeAntonio said...

Oh, wait. I contradicted myself. I mean, don't vote, but if you do vote yes on prop 8.

Prince Gomolvilas said...

This blog post is gay.

quin browne said...

i voted so i could have my free cup of starbucks.... i marched in there, closed my eyes and poked at names.

god knows who i voted for.

the coffee was free, though, so, even though it was starbucks, it rocked...

ps my verification word is buttafi

Peter Varvel said...

Abstinence is a bunch of hooey.
You can't tell kids not to do what feels so good.
And if it doesn't feel good, get a different partner.

The Over-Thinker said...

I'm all badass, so I decided to vote. I'm so badass I got TWO free cups of coffee. Suck it, Starbucks...